List yourself as a Student
Konnect with Experts

Get in touch with Experts and learn from their experience

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Why list yourself as a student?

Learn from experts

As an expert you are able to connect with people that need your advice and help to be at a point where you are at the moment. By helping others with your advice and wisdom, you help others to achieve their goals and at the same time, we will encourage those you helped to promote your expertise to others. You can charge for your advice or offer your advice for free. That is your choice.

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As a Student!

Benefits to have you as a Student at KonnectEasy!

Search and find experts in any field you are interested in. Does not have to be a professional field only.

Konnect with fellow students with same interest or passion.

Look out for projects posted by experts and earn extra income.

To join us is FREE.

Benefits for you to join!

Benefits to have you as a Student at KonnectEasy!

They will provide a detailed testimonial about their experience with your business.

One of your existing customer will earn a commission on a contract based job you received through KonnectEasy.

Your current customers will earn points towards gift cards.

List the last reason here

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